Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pam's Picks: Holiday Edition

Ahhh...the holiday season is approaching rapidly.  There seems to be a fine line between wish lists and the "gimmes".  However, with a little planning and thoughtful conversations, the "gimmes" can be turned into great financial lessons.  Here are three great articles that are loaded with holiday advice for parents.

Teaching Kids' Money Smarts During the Holidays by Michele Borba on
Michele offers practical advice for parents, such as monitoring TV consumption during the holiday advertising blitz and making lists to avoid impulsive shopping.  Read the article...

5 Gift Ideas to Teach Kids about Money by Brandon Ballenger on
Want to give a gift that can also teach your child about financial concepts?  Brandon gives examples of books, coin keepers, games, charities and investments that also teach a little about money.  Read the article...

No Joy in Mudville:  Teaching my Son about Payback Periods by Len Penzo on
Len's 14 year old son tries to convince him that getting a Playstation 3 video game console for Christmas would actually save the family some money.  Read the article to find out who "won" this discussion!


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