Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pam's Picks: College Thoughts

I have mentioned recently that my oldest child, Brittany, will be starting college next year and we are in the midst of college selection right now.  For this week's "Pam's Picks", I want to highlight some excellent articles and resources for college research.

Money Saving Stories:  How We're Paying Cash for College by Julie Mayfield on 
Graduating without debt is a goal most college students and families have.  It is never too early to get started.  Julie Mayfield shares her family's journey on the quest for debt-free college.  Read the article...

College or Entrepreneurship? on 
Does college offer the same return on investment as it has in the past?  Should you encourage your teen to be an entrepreneur and forgo college?  Read the article... 

9 Things You Can Do If You Can't Visit a College by Lynn O'Shaughnessy on 
Sometimes it is not possible or feasible to visit every college that your teen is interested in.  Lynn offers practical alternatives to learning about the school.  Read the article...

PS:  Lynn's website,, is one of the best, most comprehensive college websites that I have found.  It has become a valuable resource for me and I highly recommend it to any family that is facing college decisions.


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